Mobile App Monetization: from Download to Dollars

This article provides detailed guidance for 2D game developers in mobile app monetization: from download to dollars. Follow along to kickstart your journey towards earning revenue with your 2D game app.

In-depth research of your 2D game application

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In the initial stages of mobile app monetization, it’s crucial for developers to precisely identify the genre of their 2D game. Undertaking extensive research into the game’s potential becomes an essential and foundational step. Here are key considerations:

Begin by delving into the personal interests and passions of the developers. This initial self-inquiry provides the necessary motivation for sustained focus on 2D game development.

Explore current market trends to ascertain the genres currently enjoying favor among players. Assess the diversity and potential profitability associated with each gaming category.

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Perform a detailed analysis of existing 2D games within the chosen genre to comprehend the competitive landscape. Identify distinctive features and weaknesses of competitors to craft a strategic advantage. Besides, analyzing the success of analogous applications aids in identifying untapped areas and novel opportunities. This allows developers to align their products with emerging trends and cater to evolving market demands.

Furthermore, it is imperative for 2D game developers to delineate their target player demographic, a crucial step in tailoring the monetization strategy for the game. This involves a deep understanding of the players, encompassing their interests, needs and expectations. The research team should paint a vivid picture of the target players and delve into their gaming behaviors.

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By applying this comprehensive approach, developers ensure a well-informed decision-making process throughout the entire journey of mobile app monetization.

Selecting the suitable mobile app monetization for your 2D game

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In the current landscape, 2D game developers have a plethora of mobile app monetization to choose from for their 2D games. Let’s delve into detailed explanations for a better understanding of each model’s application:


The Freemium allows users to download and use the application for free with basic features. Subsequently, it offers premium features and content that users can purchase through in-app payments. Overall, Freemium is appealing as it enables users to experience the app before deciding to invest in premium features.

This mobile app monetization attracts a large user base, increasing the likelihood of converting free users into paying customers. Many app developers find this model provides a steady income source, allowing for continuous updates and enhancements to the application.

In-App Advertising

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In-App Advertising involves generating revenue by displaying ads within the 2D game application. These ads can take the form of images, videos or interactive advertisements that users can click for more information. To monetize through this method, developers integrate ads into their app using advertising networks like Google AdMob, Facebook Audience Network or Unity Ads. Here, advertisers pay developers based on ad impressions, clicks or completed video views.

In-App Advertising is a popular way to generate revenue without requiring direct payment from users, providing a continuous income stream. However, it is crucial to strike a balance to avoid disrupting the user experience with excessive ads.


The Subscriptions necessitates users to pay a recurring fee to access specific features, content or services within the app. Users can choose between various subscription packages, typically offered on a monthly or yearly basis. To succeed with this model, 2D game developers must focus on consistently delivering new and engaging content to retain subscriber interest.

In-app purchases – IAP

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In-App Purchases involve offering virtual items, additional features or exclusive content for players to buy within the game. This may include purchase bundles, in-game currency, item purchases, feature unlocks, experience upgrades,… Players can make purchases using real money or virtual in-game currency.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a mobile app monetization where developers earn money by promoting and endorsing third-party products or services within the app. Developers receive a commission or a bonus when users click on affiliate links or make purchases through these links. It provides a source of income without the need for developing and managing products independently, making it an effective way to earn money, especially for apps with a large and engaged user base.

In summary, each monetization method within the mobile app industry has its characteristics and advantages. The choice depends on the app’s goals, business model and target user base. Some applications may combine multiple methods to maximize revenue and establish a sustainable business model.

Crafting a marketing strategy for your 2D game mobile app

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After selecting a suitable monetization model for their 2D game, developers formulate a marketing strategy tailored to their specific game. The marketing plan and execution may vary based on the chosen model. Here is a marketing process that 2D game developers can refer to for implementing mobile app monetization: from download to dollars.

The first step is to determine marketing objectives, which could include increasing app downloads, boosting in-app sales, enhancing app usage frequency or other goals related to generating revenue from the app.

Prior to users downloading the app, a robust marketing strategy is essential to reach and attract them. This could involve advertising on social media platforms, email marketing, creating compelling ad content or utilizing other marketing tools. 2D game developers can collaborate with the marketing team to create a detailed plan.

Optimizing user experience for 2D games

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The subsequent phase focuses on retaining users and delivering an optimal experience for players engaging with 2D games. To ensure sustained app usage and revenue generation, it is imperative to provide significant value to users. During this stage, the app development team can leverage opportunities to enrich content quality and introduce distinctive features.

This step also encompasses refining advertising strategies to boost conversion rates and overall revenue. Concurrently, metrics related to app usage and user behavior contribute to a more profound understanding of user preferences, enabling adjustments to marketing strategies.

It is essential for developers to bear in mind that user retention and ongoing interaction play a pivotal role in achieving successful mobile app monetization. This can be achieved by consistently delivering new content, enhancing the user experience, providing personalized notifications and implementing engagement initiatives, including promotional programs.

In Conclusion

With the analyses and suggestions provided above, we hope 2D game developers now have a professional roadmap for mobile app monetization: from download to dollars. Thank you for following the article. If you have any needs related to 2D game art, please feel free to contact us for consultation and support.