Ubisoft is putting pop-up ads into Assassin’s Creed loading screens: What has happened?  

Ubisoft has generated controversy by introducing pop-up ads on the loading screens of their acclaimed game, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. This action has led to speculation about whether it was a deliberate or accidental decision. 

Detailed incident: Ubisoft is putting pop-up ads into Assassin’s Creed loading screens. 

Recently, a player of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey expressed disappointment upon encountering advertisements from Ubisoft. The content of these advertisements focuses on offering a 20% discount for the game Assassin’s Creed Mirage during the Black Friday sale in 2023.

This issue is not isolated and has affected several other players as well. For instance, a user named triddell24 attempted to open the in-game map, only to have an advertisement appear instead. In response to this incident, triddell24 shared a 10-second video on the Reddit platform.

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The user’s post on Reddit

Following these events, a considerable number of individuals have expressed empathy and displayed a negative attitude towards Ubisoft. Many gamers argue that the inclusion of advertisements in the game disrupts their overall gaming experience. Moreover, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a paid game with a price tag of $70, not a free-to-play game.

Player Reactions

The reaction from players has been mixed, with a significant portion expressing discontent and frustration. Many argue that they already pay a substantial amount for the game and additional in-game purchases, making the intrusion of pop-up ads unwelcome. Some players have taken to social media platforms to voice their concerns and demand clarification from Ubisoft.

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Beyond the immediate discontent expressed by players, there’s a growing concern about the potential long-term repercussions of Ubisoft’s decision to introduce pop-up ads. 

Many players view this move as indicative of a broader trend within the gaming industry, where traditional models of revenue generation are being augmented with more intrusive methods. 

The discontent extends beyond the inconvenience of the ads themselves; it represents a resistance to what some perceive as a gradual erosion of the gaming experience they once cherished.

What is happening with Ubisoft?

The pivotal question revolves around Ubisoft’s motive behind this decision. Was it a proactive revenue implementation or a strategic move to generate additional revenue? Some argue that the inclusion of pop-up ads might be a result of oversight or technical glitches, while others believe it could be a deliberate attempt to monetize the gaming experience further.

Ubisoft’s response on November 24, 2023

As the controversy gained momentum, Ubisoft issued a statement addressing the situation. The company claimed that the inclusion of pop-up ads was unintended and resulted from a technical error during an update. They assured players that the issue is being addressed promptly, and a fix will be implemented in the next update.

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Ubisoft responded promptly upon realizing the unexpected appearance of advertisements on the loading screen of Assassin’s Creed. According to information from their spokespersons, the initial intention was to showcase a promotion for Assassin’s Creed Mirage as part of the franchise news in the main menu of other Assassin’s Creed games. However, an unintended technical glitch occurred, leading to the advertisements appearing in one of the in-game menus instead of the planned location.

Many opinions continue to surface

Frustrated with lack of accountability, specifically, one user shared: “I’m getting so tired of the ‘whoopsie, we made a mistake somewhere teehee~’ narrative. Just own up to it when you mess up instead of pretending it’s all an accident. These companies are pros at advertising and monetization, and they should know better. It feels like they are trying to brush off their responsibility, and it’s frustrating.”

In tandem with this, many individuals are hopeful that game developers will focus on the quality of games. 

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Sharing sentiments like: “I long for the day when game companies prioritize making great games that people want to buy, rather than just chasing profits. It’s about time they reevaluate their priorities.”

These detailed responses reflect a range of emotions, from frustration and disheartenment to criticism of corporate influence, as users express their desire for a return to a gaming industry that prioritizes genuine game creation and player experiences.

In Conclusion 

What do you think about this incident involving Ubisoft? Please share your perspective with us.