Will 2D games die if VR’s era comes

With the explosion of virtual reality (VR) technology, countless questions are being raised regarding the future of 2D games. Will 2D games die if the VR era comes? Let’s explore the answer through the article below. 

How will the future of 2D games unfold in the era of VR?

Many experts believe that 2D games will continue to thrive and hold promise, regardless of the development of virtual reality (VR). Additionally, users also express positive opinions about 2D games. Their specific opinions on the future of 2D games:

“I think 2D is here to stay – I know a lot of young folks who never originally witnessed the 80s/90s but love 2D games of today. It’s not ‘only’ nostalgia but there is a true appeal to the 2D visuals,” shared one gamer.

Another opinion states: “It will forever depend on fun. As long as there are fun 2D games to play, people will play them. So unless every fun 2D game disappears forever, it’ll probably stick around.”

Both industry expert analysis and player perspectives indicate that VR and 2D games can coexist because each offers unique and appealing experiences for different player demographics. In the next section, we will analyze specific reasons for this phenomenon.

Will 2D games die if VR’s era comes? 

First of all, the VR era’s explosion has created significant impacts on the gaming industry. However, 2D games haven’t disappeared with the advent of the VR era. Despite VR offering a unique experience, 2D games still possess their own charm. Here are the reasons why 2D games can continue to thrive alongside the VR era:

Diverse Player Preferences

2D games and VR offer different gaming experiences. Specifically, 2D games focus on gameplay, characterized by simplicity and nostalgia. In contrast, VR games emphasize the experience within a three-dimensional and immersive environment.

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Accessibility of 2D Games

One factor contributing to the popularity of 2D games is that they require lower hardware specifications. As a result, they are more accessible to a wide range of players. Consequently, they can be played on various familiar devices, such as controllers, PCs, mobile phones, and handheld gaming devices.

In contrast, for VR, players need to invest in expensive virtual reality headsets. Clearly, not everyone can afford the technological devices required to experience VR games.

Lower Development Costs

Compared to VR, the development of 2D games often incurs lower costs. This creates conditions for independent developers and small teams to create unique and innovative games without requiring significant financial investment. Additionally, players do not have to spend much money to purchase devices like virtual reality headsets. This makes 2D games a popular choice for gamers with limited budgets.

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While VR holds attraction and developmental potential, 2D games will still exist in the future. Fundamentally, both forms of gaming have their own characteristics and can meet the needs of different player groups. Therefore, it is challenging to assert that “2D games will die if VR’s era comes.”


Explore further on the topic: “Will 2D games die if VR’s era comes?” through the following questions.

Is there still a market for 2D games?

Yes, there is still a market for 2D games. They continue to be popular among various gamer demographics. Specifically, including classic game enthusiasts and those seeking vibrant gaming experiences. Above, we have also provided a very detailed analysis for you.

Should I make a 2D game first?

It depends on your goals and target audience. If you are seeking a relatively simple and cost-effective development process, creating a 2D game first can be a good choice. In the case that your game concept aligns well with 2D aesthetics, it could be a favorable option. Furthermore, the future of 2D games is still very promising, so you don’t have to worry about a lack of players.

Why do people like 2D games?

People like 2D games for various reasons. It includes their simplicity, nostalgic appeal, accessibility on a wide range of devices, gameplay,  storytelling,..Additionally, 2D games often have lower system requirements, making them suitable for a broader audience.

In conclusion

While VR games are exciting and innovative, 2D games continue to exist and thrive. Both types of games will operate in parallel to meet various gaming needs of players.